November 10/17 Newsletter



We have been in Rwanda for 3 weeks and it has been quite busy.  Our schedule for this term is that we will be training on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Our Fridays are kept for connecting with the young men and women whom we are mentoring/discipling.

During this last year, the church has been again or should we say, continues to be in a perpetual state of chaos. In May, 4 of the 5 Executive were arrested on allegations of embezzlement and fraud. A very large sum of money seems unaccounted for and the Dove Hotel, which people thought was paid, is not and still has a very large mortgage. A forensic audit has been completed and the implications are that where there has been smoke, there is indeed fire! While we are not involved in any of these things, it impacts us as we have relationships with many people and attempt to develop trust.

We regularly and continually say that, “Everything rises or falls on leadership!” If Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords and we submit to Him, if we personally walk in the light the enemy cannot gain a foothold. So, the issue here and everywhere is and continues to beleadership!!

Currently there is a constitutional crisis as the church has not been functioning according to its constitution. There is strong pressure on the board of governors to step down, and the chairperson already has. It seems a team will be appointed to study and make constitutional recommendations, consulting all levels of church members.

As we are bringing a humble, servant leader mindset, a call to walk in the light and in personal submission, to move in grace rather than legalism, to become free of the love of money which is the root of all kinds of evil—we are in a battle.   

The success we have is strongest and most evident in one-to-one relationships where we see a changed mindset and world-view. 

Jean Paul Seneza is committed to reaching and working with the children in his area—this is the heart of Christ. He no longer cares about or is impressed with position or title.

Aimable used to be on the Executive – the only one who was not arrested. He is walking in the light and submitting his life to his personal pastor. Amiable has not had any desire to return to hishome village where it is still dark and heavy as a result of the genocide. He has wanted to forget about this part of his life. He now has an increasing burden and love for his home village, which he does not understand, other than it is a gift and a mission from God. He is going back there, connecting, praying and asking the Lord, “How can this village and these people be redeemed?” We continue to meet regularly and grow relationally. 

Odette has retired from her work at the ADEPR Head Office and has begun a counselling ministry after completing the Peer Counselling Program.  She and Lynn get together regularly and continue to grow their friendship.

We take great joy in these individual changes as we know that this is the essence of reformation.We are in prayer about gathering a group of young leaders and pouring our life into them. We need God to move and be clear on this.

We have been told the Executive wants us to go to Uganda for about a month to train the leaders. They are very much for us and with us. Dave meets with Viateur (Secretary General), a relationship that began several years ago, and Lynn meets with Aurélie (CFO), a new friendship is just in its beginning stages. We met with Efraim (Legal Representative) and he expressed his desire to walk with someone with whom he can speak of the things of his heart – something that is rarely done, especially among leaders.

Simeon continues to be a valuable part of our team.  He is vulnerable with us and eager to serve the Lord by serving us.  We are blessed!

We are so thankful for your prayers as that is how we are able push against the doors of hell. We praise God for His goodness and His mercy as we continue in what we feel He has called us.

Dave & Lynn